Here's what they say about us, in Italy and around the world.
Este: that experience in the heart repeats forever and ever
all of them agree that one feels a special atmosphere here in Este. It is a feeling of being welcome that mixes the charm of history, the beauty of nature, the art of hospitality and the taste for the good things of life. What’s been said about us.
Este in Fiore/ Este in bloom
Este in Fiore 2018
XVII Edition
Ecosystem: nature in balance
Tourists and lovers of history and art.
Those who have had the experience of visiting Este speak and explain why it is special.
Also in Russia, Tiepolo is expected to return.
The musical event of the "Northern Sinfonietta" Orchestra of the Teatro Music Hall in St. Petersburg, was one of the initiatives of "Aspettando il Tiepolo", a project conceived by the Municipal Administration of Este in favour of the restoration of the altarpiece of the Abbey Cathedral, painted by the famous Venetian painter in 1759.